Give Me A (Coffee) Break!
I broke down today and had a cup of coffee, even though my Lenten vow is supposed to include all chemicals. Even though I've been going to bed early and getting up relatively late, I've been extremely tired during the day. I'm pretty sure it's just my body adjusting to the sudden lack of alcohol (and nicotine, as well). So I decided on a practical exchange and allowed myself the caffeine to boost my performance at work. I'm doing pretty well and am almost caught up.
"I'm going upstairs now to sleep on what is left of my career!"The contest loses hands down
"So what else is new?"
—Edina & Saffy, Absolutely Fabulous
I have decided, along with the friends who co-authored the original manuscript, not to enter the online writing contest, even after pissing and moaning when I thought I wasn't going to be able to enter. The rules of the contest bind you to signing a "standard publishing contract" with Simon & Schuster without delineating the terms of that contract. Even without that, the contest wasn't going to happen anyway, though. There was no way I was gonna pull six and a half chapters out of my ass in less than two weeks. The new plan is to finish the manuscript and shop for agents when it's done.
Glad you found the new meds and are trying to kick old habits (put lightly). I'm proud of how you keep on trying and fighting.
Good to see you're writing again. I think I remember reading a chapter of that story long ago at AZ. Do you read any writing blogs? I've got a long list of great reads. Of course, they don't seem to motivate me to write, but that's a different story....
Did you run out of steam?
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